BEYOND Expo launched the BEYOND Awards to demonstrate cutting-edge innovation, promote comprehensive integration and interaction between capital, industry and innovation, fully realize the impact of technological innovation and encourage more participation in shaping future trends. BEYOND Awards established the Healthcare Innovation Award, the ClimateTech Innovation Award, the Consumer Tech Innovation Award and the BEYOND Impact Awards to discover innovative technologies and companies, highlight outstanding individuals or technical products and services, and demonstrate the infinite possibilities of technological innovation and its impact on the global community.

BEYOND Innovation Awards

BEYOND Innovation Awards has established three awards for its three sub-brands: Healthcare, ClimateTech, and Consumer Tech. The goal is to discover and promote the most innovative companies and products with breakthrough technologies and industry-leading solutions of the year.


All exhibitors who meet the requirements of this area are welcome to apply.

DETAILS2023 Winners


All exhibitors who meet the requirements of this area are welcome to apply.

DETAILS2023 Winners


All exhibitors who meet the requirements of this area are welcome to apply.

DETAILS2023 Winners

The impact of technology on social and human development is one of BEYOND’s main concerns. Therefore, the BEYOND organizing committee established the BEYOND Impact Awards. Based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, the award recognizes companies that have made significant contributions in the environmental, social, economic and technological fields. These companies have addressed carbon emissions, public health, environmental protection and social poverty alleviation with technological innovation under the premise of carbon neutrality.

BEYOND Awards Committee

The BEYOND Awards Committee is established by the BEYOND Expo Organizing Committee. Key members from previous years came from BEYOND Expo global partners and international investment institutions. The BEYOND Awards 2024 Evaluation Committee is deeply involved in setting standards, evaluating the four major technology awards, and establishing a standardized selection mechanism for the BEYOND Awards.

In October 2023, BEYOND Awards 2024 will officially launch the annual judges’ application process. We aim to invite a wide range of venture capital experts, industry and economic experts, industry technology experts, and foreign judges to select the best technological innovation projects for the BEYOND Awards.

Judges will ensure fair and authoritative assessments of award applicants based on their professional knowledge and industry experience. The judges’ professional backgrounds and achievements must be widely recognized and respected within the industry. Throughout the award selection process, judges will conduct in-depth research and analysis of the applicants. Through initial audition, secondary selection, and final selection, judges will determine the best innovators to be the winners to encourage more people to engage in technological innovation.